Thursday, February 20, 2014

How does SilckLogin works?

Recently Google has acquired the SilckLogin a start-up company in Israel. SilckLogin has been working on alternative for web-Login. The most common system for login is a user id and password. Some of the top websites and financial companies use two layer authentications system.

The first layer is a user id and password. The second layer includes sending SMS code to your Smartphone and ask you to enter the digits to verify it.

SilckLogin system aims to replace this two layer authentication system or in minimum replace the second alternative. You don’t need to type anything to login. Sounds like a cool feature.

So, how does the SilckLogin system works

SilckLogin works on the concept of sound wave. It generates different sound every time you login into the system using SilckLogin. It uses this sound to validate and secure your identity.

To enable SilckLogin on your website you have to include SilckLogin button. To enable SilckLogin button you have to write 5 line of code. What is this 5 line of code is not in public domain yet.

Once user will click or tap on the SilckLogin button; they have to put their Smartphone close to the computer or laptop.

SilckLogin will first verify your position using various protocols such as GPS, Wi-Fi, NFC, QR Code etc. Once your position is verified, SilckLogin patented system will let your computer to generate human inaudible sound. This sound will be captured by the app in your Smartphone.

If your computer or speaker is muted, it will ask you to on it to record the audio.

This sound will be processed and SilckLogin will send a green signal to web server to allow you to login.


  • No additional hardware is required to implement SilckLogin in your web application
  • No new mobile app is required to install on your Smartphone


  • Internet connection is required on your Smartphone to work with SilckLogin.

SilckLogin is working on a patent which will allow your Smartphone to use the SilckLogin without having an internet connection.

Here is a YouTube video of TechCrunch Disrupt 2013 which shows SilckLogin team presenting the concept of SilckLogin to the world.

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