Friday, April 19, 2013

PEGA Tutorial
What are WorkType and WorkItem in PEGA?

What is it that an Organization does? The answer is every organization do some Work to accomplish their objective or vision or mission. A work in any organization is done by the people and applications. People create, receive, route, report and resolve work.

In PEGA, Work Type is fundamental unit of work that is process by the people or applications. Each of the work has their own attribute or set of principle or steps to follow. To understand it more clearly let us take an example of a Bank. Bank is an organization and it does some work like providing loan, opening account, doing transaction etc. So, each of this work is a WorkType from PEGA prospective.

Now for each of the WorkType there are systematic processes that need to be followed. In case of Loan, a person who wishes to apply for loan has to submit a loan application with the bank. This Loan application is called WorkItem in PEGA world. So, WorkItem is the unique instance of work.

Please visit PEGA Tutorials section for articles on PEGA and PRPC

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